C2 Proficiency. Essay writing

C2 Proficiency. Essay writing

Кембриджский экзамен CPE или С2 Proficiency (новое название) является последним, самым сложным в линейке кембриджских экзаменов по английскому языку. Безусловно, самым непростым заданием этого экзамена, требующим напряжения и подготовки, является задание по написанию эссе.

Пример задания

Типичное задание в письменной части  C2 Proficiency (CPE).

CPE Essay Sample

The passages give two clashing opinions on the outdoor advertising. Whilst the first author celebrates it, the second strongly opposes it. Obviously, the authors are related to two different “tribes” – business people in advertising and members of public.

According to the first passage, it is the out-of-home advertising that appeals most of all to the members of the industry. Roadside billboards, posters on buses and subway escalators, adverts in airport terminals are the more eye-catching and compelling. Other advantageous aspects include the low price and high quality of flat-screen displays which make the agencies switch to these digitals in public places from any others. Digital commercials allow agencies to be more imaginative and creative.

The second author begins the article with some historical information about the dullness of the outdoor advertising in the past; the article states that now outdoor digital advertising has become popular only due to new technology. Afterwards, a number of arguments against this type of publicity is brought up to the reader’s attention. The author argues that many people consider out-of-home advertising as pervasive and pernicious.

The further criticism is based on the facts that the targeting of vulnerable members of society is ethically questionable, and the digital media use too much electricity which is environmentally unfriendly.

If I worked in advertising, I would happily support the in-favour-of-advertising passage. I would consider it to be true in reflecting the current situation in the industry. However, the second extract is more appealing to me as a member of public. Outdoor advertising is irritating and disturbing. It spoils the city landscape and imposes the wrong values on vulnerable members of society. (273 words)


This essay is extremely good, no major faults.

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